Sex Trafficking Lawyer in Riverside, California

Criminal Defense Attorney Representing People in Riverside and San Bernardino

Prosecution of people believed to be involved in sex trafficking is on the rise. Campaigns to increase public awareness of human trafficking and sex trafficking have resulted in a higher level of scrutiny from law enforcement and prosecutors in recent years. This includes the indictment and arrest of not only people directly involved in such crimes but also people who are alleged to have had a more removed role, such as being a conspirator or aiding and abetting participants. San Bernardino and Riverside sex trafficking lawyer Gregory H. Comings handles many types of serious felony charges. If you are facing prosecution, Attorney Comings can help you defend the case to the fullest extent possible under state or federal law. He also represents people facing charges of other sex crimes, including sexual assault and statutory rape.

The State of California (or the federal government in a federal case) has the burden of proving the defendant guilty in a criminal case. The defendant has a constitutional right to refrain from self-incrimination; the Fifth Amendment guarantees the accused the right to remain silent, not only during the investigation of a criminal case but also during the trial. While the defendant has the right to produce evidence that tends to prove his or her innocence, such as physical evidence or the testimony of witnesses, many criminal cases are defended primarily by showing the weaknesses in the State’s case.

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Fighting a Sex Trafficking Charge

It is important to note that the State is only allowed to introduce evidence that was legally obtained. There are many rules that govern how, when, and where police may gather evidence against a criminal suspect. When these rules are violated, a sex trafficking attorney in Riverside or San Bernardino may move the trial court to exclude the illegally obtained evidence. Under the law, evidence seized in violation of a defendant’s constitutional rights is considered the “fruit of the poisonous tree” and cannot be introduced at trial. The State’s case may also be weakened by a thorough and detail-oriented cross-examination of key witnesses. Biases and inconsistencies in a witness’ account of events may discredit much of his or her testimony in the eyes of the jury.

It is important that every opportunity be taken to defend a case in which the defendant is accused of recruiting, funding, marketing, soliciting, or otherwise participating in the crime of sex trafficking because a conviction can result in heavy fines and a lengthy period of incarceration (up to 15 years in the federal system, for example). Any sex crime conviction can be embarrassing and limit the defendant’s future employment and housing options. A conviction for sex trafficking can also result in the defendant’s name being added to the sex offender registry. Because of the current focus on this particular crime, both state and federal prosecutors aggressively pursue convictions under laws like the federal and California Trafficking Victims Protection Acts.

Contact an Experienced Sex Trafficking Lawyer in Riverside or San Bernardino

If you do not take adequate steps to defend yourself against a pending sex trafficking charge, there is a high likelihood that you will be convicted and receive a harsh sentence. Depending upon the evidence against you, a conviction on at least a lesser charge may be inevitable, but a zealous defense or adept plea bargaining may save you years in prison and thousands of dollars in fines. At Law Office of Gregory H. Comings, APC, we work hard to see that each and every client’s case ends with the most favorable result available under the circumstances. Also, we offer each client a realistic assessment of their situation so that they can make an informed decision about a plea bargain offer that may be made. If you need to talk to a San Bernardino or Riverside sex trafficking attorney, call us or contact us online. The sooner that you call, the sooner that you can know that your case is being defended by a seasoned advocate who will be honest and open with you at each step of the proceedings.