Drug Crimes Lawyer in Riverside, California

Knowledgeable Criminal Defense Lawyer Serving Riverside County and San Bernardino

The “war on drugs” has been raging for decades, both in California and across the nation. Police are constantly on watch for suspected offenders, especially people who may be engaged in drug trafficking, possession for sale, transportation, and manufacturing activities. In many cases, charges are brought mistakenly against people who are not actually involved in the drug industry. If you or a loved one has been accused of a drug crime, it is important that you talk to a criminal defense lawyer about your right to defend yourself against any pending charges. San Bernardino and Riverside County drug crime attorney Gregory H. Comings has been defending people against these charges for more than 19 years.

As an experienced criminal attorney, Gregory H. Comings understands state and federal drug laws, the inner workings of the legal system, and the steps that need to be taken to protect the legal rights of someone who may be facing months, years, or even decades of incarceration if they are convicted on drug charges under California or federal law. Attorney Comings can advise clients about the likelihood of a conviction based upon the evidence against them, and he vigorously works alongside defendants to pursue a favorable outcome to their case. 

Defend Against Drug Charges

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Understanding Your Legal Rights When Fighting a Drug Charge

A person who has been accused of a crime has certain legal rights. Some of these rights – such as the right to counsel and the right to a trial by jury – stem directly from the U.S. Constitution. Other rights exist as a result of the federal courts’ interpretation of certain portions of the Constitution. For example, the Fifth Amendment states that no person shall be compelled “to be a witness against himself” in a criminal proceeding, and an important decision by the U.S. Supreme Court interpreted that right to require that police inform a criminal suspect that they have the “right to remain silent.” This is one of the Miranda rights, of which people must be informed before they are taken into custody and interrogated.

Gregory H. Comings, as a dedicated drug crime lawyer, can help Riverside County and San Bernardino residents assert all of their rights under the Constitution as well as state and federal laws. For example, he will work hard to convince the court that evidence obtained in violation of a defendant’s state, federal, or constitutional rights should be excluded if their case goes to trial. He can carefully review the details surrounding your arrest to see if the authorities may have engaged in illegal tactics, such as entrapment, the use of a bogus informant, or a misstatement on their report. Unless the State of California can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you were in possession of an illegal substance in a sufficient quantity to be convicted of the offense with which you were charged, it may be possible for your case to be dismissed or pleaded down to a lesser charge, depending on the evidence.

Seek Representation from a Drug Crime Attorney in Riverside County or San Bernardino

If you have been charged with a drug crime, you need to talk to a lawyer sooner rather than later. To consult skillful San Bernardino and Riverside County drug crime lawyer Gregory H. Comings about your case, call or contact us online and ask for an appointment. Our office has Spanish interpretive services available. We also represent people who need a white collar crime attorney or assistance in fighting charges of sex crimes or domestic violence and other violent crimes.